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04 January 2024

New Year, New You!

Happy 2024!

At the star of a new year, many people feel that they would like to make a change for the better. We love helping people make positive changes in their lives and many of the groups and activities we have on offer here at the QMC can help you to do just that.


Slimming World

If losing weight and eating healthily is your aim, Slimming World meets here at the QMC every Monday at 9am, 10.30am, 4pm, 5.30pm & 7pm.

Lose weight without ever going hungry. Fill up on everyday favourites like pasta, potatoes, fruit, lean meat and veggie choices, with no need to weigh or measure. It’s about cutting calories without counting calories. Slimming World helps you take control and change your mindset. As experts in the psychology of weight loss, we’ll help you build healthy habits in a way that’s enjoyable – and lasts!

Phone Tina 07798894639 for more information.


Dance Fit & Fitness Pilates

If you are wanting to boost your fitness levels, then Dance Fit or Fitness Pilates might be the thing for you. Join instructor Conan on Thursday evenings: 6pm Fitness Pilates, 6:45pm Dance Fit.

Get fit. Stay healthy. Feel amazing. Do it all at DANCE FIT with CONAN. One-of-a-kind dance fitness workouts and pilates group classes in a comfortable, personal and professional atmosphere.

Visit his website to find out more and too book your space.


Creative Fenland

If you are wanting to boost your mental health and wellbeing, then a visit to a Creative Fenland session may be just what you are looking for. 

Creative Fenlans put on numerous workshops and other activities, everything from flower arranging to bushcraft, macramé to motor vehicle maintenance. All our tutors are qualified professionals, with immense experience of the subjects they teach. All the subjects we cover include elements of embedded literacy and numeracy, so that people who may need to develop in these areas can do so alongside the workshop’s topic. 

These sessions happen on a variety of days and at a variety of times, so please do visit their website for specific information.


New Year, New You!
Overlay for stylistic purposes



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